2 Chess Books - RM50


Saya ado Duo Buku Chess untuk dijual..nok clear sikit rak buku dirumah ambo ni, banyok sangat buku2 tok termasuk buku kanak2 lagi...

Both adalah NEW, tapi without seal dan bolehlah expect ada sikit debu/kuning2 sebab duk atas rak..tapi takde conteng-conteng la....very good condition!

Harga nak let go RM50 sahaja dan plus RM10 untuk pos...(guna 2 sampul pos ekspress besar). Kalu berminat bagitau lah....murah sungguh ni kalau nak beli kat kedai...memang satu buku nak dapat RM50 pun susah!

email ambo di nasero4554@gmail.com.


The Queen's Bishop Attack has long been a favorite of top-rated UK chess players, including Julian Hodgson, Michael Adams and the late Tony Miles, and it is the first ever book to cover it. Grandmaster James Plaskett has successful practical experience on both sides of the Queen's Bishop Attack, and so is the perfect guide to this sound, challenging and yet reassuringly off-beat opening.

This book is the latest in the innovative Revealed series, in which the key ideas of chess openings are explained in an entertaining and accessible way, using fresh, clear presentation--ideal for improving players.

  • "First Moves" leads you through the basic opening moves
  • "Heroes and Zeros" reveals both star performances and pitfalls in the Queen's Bishop Attack
  • "Tricks and Traps" guides you through the sharpest variations
  • "What's Hot" pinpoints the key battlegrounds among the world's elite
James Plaskett was British champion in 1990. He is the author of Playing to Win, The Grand Prix Attack, The english Defense, Can You Be A Tactical Chess Genius? and The Scandinavian Defense, also published by Batsford.

  • Author: Plaskett
  • Book Type: Paperback, 2005
  • Notation: Figurine Notation
  • Pages: 219

BOOK 2 (224 PAGES):

The Sicilian Bb5 is the most popular and successful Anti-Sicilian variation. Vassily Ivanchuk used it to score a stunning win against Gary Kasparov at Linares in 1991. It has since become recognized as the perfect way for White to avoid the main Sicilian line without compromising his attacking chances. As such it has proved a deadly weapon in the hands of Adams, Grischuk, and Kasparov himself. This book provides full coverage of both 2...d6 3. Bb5+ and 2...Nc6 3.Bb5. It shows you how to implement in your own games the ideas that have worked so successfully at the highest level.


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