Perkaro asas dale catur (molek kalu nok ngajar)

Ambo duk gohek gugel..pah jupo "Chess for teacher"...kemah jugak guano dio ngajar budok2 dio2..siap bui hargo 3 rial, 10 rial...ado hok buleh paka, ado hok tok leh..sajo jah ni, buke nok jadi cikgu..ambo tok layok lagi jadi cikgu catur..tok beghapo nok kemah diri sediri..

I. The Basic Rules of Chess

Chess Party #1

Chess Board

  • The chess board is a battlefield of 64 light and dark squares.
  • A light square is always on the player's right-- White on right!
Chess Party #2

Chess Notation

  • Every soldier has a home
  • Pieces- K=King N=Knight R=Rook B=Bishop Q=Queen
  • Files-vertical up and down (a,b,c...h) Ranks- across (1,2,3...8)
  • Say the letter of the piece first followed by the file and then the corresponding rank. Ex: Ne5 Kh7
  • It is good to learn chess notation because:
    • it enables students to record games for later analysis
    • if you are giving a lecture on a demonstration board it is easier for students to say their intended ideas rather than shouting "that piece goes over there" or running up to show you.
    • It is good to teach notation early and incorporate it in all subsequent lessons so students can get used to using it.
Chess Party #3


  • Pawn
    • the only soldier on foot, it doesn't move as fast as the others
    • moves one or two squares on its first move and then up one square thereafter
    • captures by moving diagonally one square
    • when the pawn reaches the last rank it can turn into any other soldier of the same color except the king
    • the pawn has a value of $1
    • let the kids play the Pawn Game
  • Knight
    • moves in the shape of the letter L- two squares in any straight line on a rank or file and then one square to any side
    • the only soldier that can hop over other men
    • has a value of $3
    • let the kids play Horse Races
  • Bishop
    • moves along the diagonals of the color it originally started on
    • has a value of $3
  • Rook
    • moves in straight lines- up, down, left and right
    • has a value of $5
  • Queen
    • can move like a rook in a straight line and like a bishop along the diagonals
    • most powerful piece
    • worth $10
  • King
    • most important piece, but not very powerful
    • moves one square in any direction
    • priceless- cannot be captured, traded or kidnapped
    • introduce the games of Cops and Robbers and Fences and Killers
Chess Party #4


  • When the king is under attack by an enemy's soldier it is said to be in check
  • there are three possible ways to defend:
    1. move the king away from the range of the shooting laser of the attacking piece
    2. block the fire with the shield of another soldier
    3. slay the dragon (capture the attacking enemy piece)
  • show examples of each scenario
Chess Party #5


  • the initial aim of the journey
  • when the king is attacked and has no way out of trouble it is said to be checkmated and the battle is over
  • show examples of simple checkmates
Chess Party #6


  • A draw is a tie- when nobody wins and nobody loses
  • ways one can draw:
    1. stalemate- when the player whose turn it is to move is not in check and cannot make a legal move it is said to be a stalemate and the game is tied
    2. when there are no soldiers with which to checkmate:
      • King + Bishop vs. King
      • King + Knight vs. King
      • King vs. King
    3. when both players agree to a draw
Chess Party #7


  • The king is helpless and open to attack in the center. It must be protected at all times.
  • Castling is one special move that helps you to bring the king to safety.
  • This is the only move that allows you to move two soldiers at once.
  • Move the king over 2 squares either direction (to the right or left) and the rook on that side jumps over the king and lands next to his side.
  • You cannot castle if:
    • your king is in check
    • there are other soldiers in between the king and the rook
    • you've already moved the king, or the rook with which you wish to castle
    • the king, on it's castling journey must pass over or land in a territory attacked by the enemy
Chess Party #8


  • if a pawn moves forward two squares on its first move and lands beside an enemy pawn, the enemy pawn can capture it as if it had only moved forward one square
  • this can only be done on the first chance- take it or leave it


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